10 July 2020
If we have previously explained, through authoritative sources, why choose the real estate crowdfunding and why invest TODAY, now we want to direct you to the best location to invest in the brick, at least with regard to the Italian scene: we are talking about the city of Milan.
Milan has become since several years the main destination for entrepreneurs and investors, to make their capital pay off, using the great quality of services, especially infrastructural ones, which make it the most European among Italian cities.
Milan has remained the same, even after the pandemic: nothing will change the growth of the population - every year thousands of people move there for work or study - and the consequent demand for properties to rent/buy.
As confirmed during an online event organized by ASPESI(Associazione Nazionale tra le Società di Promozione e Sviluppo Immobiliare) many investors, both Italian and foreign, have testified that Milan has a really strong real estate market, which is once again, since the real estate crisis of 2000, the most interesting and resilient in Italy, and that they have decided to confirm their pre-covid investments and make new ones.
We interviewed Marco Marcatili, head of development at Nomisma, who spoke to us about future developments for real estate investments:
"The future outlook for real estate investments will continue to be interesting where attractiveness and context factors had already developed. Milan is an example of this, so it will certainly be one of the cities that will see a resumption of investment sooner than others".
He also adds, speaking of Milan: "The city already intercepted 90% of corporate investments and the real estate demand was already very interesting. Even now, although we are still in the Covid emergency, there is already a very interesting ferment".
Do you want to deepen? Here is the Video Interview
A very interesting theme is that of redevelopment: in Milan there are areas with very high potential but surrounded by areas that need to be "regenerated" in order to express their full potential, increase the economic value and the attractiveness of the properties.
Just a few days ago an agreement was signed whereby the Municipality of Milan and Arexpo entrusted Lendlease (an Australian multinational operating in the infrastructure sector) with the development of an area of Mind - Milano Innovation District for a period of 99 years.
This concession on the former EXPO area, besides being a great strategic opportunity for the growth of the district, has a symbolic value given by the period in which it takes place: it represents the continuity of development of the area, which is proceeding perfectly on schedule, despite the pandemic.
"This is the concrete demonstration that our country has not stopped and plans for the future", said Giovanni Azzone, Arexpo's president.
The agreement will also allow dozens of private companiesto land in the area , alongside the public ones already present.
"I am convinced that real estate will continue to play a key role in the development of the economy not only of Milan. Today, more than ever, we need quality and continuity of projects that must translate into the ability to develop long-term projects with solid fundamentals. This will serve to catalyse the interest of international investors in strategic and structural interventions that can contribute to the recovery of our country. Our projects, such as MIND Milano Innovation District and Milano Santa Giulia, look to the long term and have the ambition of transforming less central urban areas into better places for people to live".
Says Andrea Ruckstuhl, Head of Italy and Continental Europe of Lendlease.
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