18 January 2017
A company born under the sign of innovation.
Vente Privee, the leading online sales-event company founded by Jacques-Antoine Granjon, is back in the news thanks to its recently announced investment in research and development.
It is 80 million euros that will be invested to continue to develop open innovation and strengthen the internal R&D sector. In concrete terms, several projects will be put in place:
An accelerator for startups operating in the fashion/tech/retail space, in partnership with Station F, the largest startup campus in the world. According to Fashion Tech, the campus will have 80 workstations, a dedicated vente-privee team present full-time to accompany startups through a comprehensive programme (workshops with industry experts, pitch training sessions, advice on creative or skills needs) and the opportunity for entrepreneurs to present their business to vente-privee's investment committee.
Two workshops in partnership with two leading high-tech schools, Ecole 42 and Eiptech: around 40 of their students will work on research and development projects.
A plan that foresees 250 hires in the IT sector, including developers, project managers, architects, database administrators, research and development managers, technicians, security experts, operations and management engineers, Ux designers and data scientists.
Scuter revolutionizes sustainable mobility.
A choice that stems from an understanding of the phenomenon of open innovation as the only way to withstand the challenges of today's market, given that the founder, Jacques-Antoine Granjon, is reported to have stated:
"In the digital age, where competition is no longer between small and large players, but between slow and fast, vente-privee puts innovation and technology at the heart of its growth strategy. The inventor of the online sales-event model, vente-privee is a pure player retailer that has achieved great power, with over 4.5 million unique visitors per day. Wehave revolutionised some of the codes of retail in our historic sector and the heart of our identity, fashion, and we intend to continue this transformation".
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