22 September 2017
The Transport Regulation Authority (ART) presents the new edition of the Transport Hackathon: a 56-hour marathon to develop innovative service projects to support mobility, improving access and use of road and motorway networks, urban areas, ports, airports and railways.
urban areas, ports, airports and railways. The event will take place on 6-7-8 October at I3P, the innovative business incubator of the Politecnico di Torino.
The challenge for the future is to identify new ways of managing mobility, which are increasingly integrated, efficient, smart, so that they can ensure not only the right of citizens to an advanced and safe mobility, but also a sustainable and environmentally friendly movement of goods.
The initiative aims to seize the opportunities offered by technology and digitalization to renew and make more efficient existing infrastructure and transport services today, in a multimodal perspective. The mobility of the future is a seamless network, made possible by a technological upgrade of the industry, through new platforms and innovative management models.
Thanks to the partnership with the infomobility service Muoversi a Torino of the City of Turin and managed by 5T, datasets and open data of urban mobility in Turin will be available during the hackathon. Green light to information on parking, traffic flows, perimeter, ZTL schedules and public transport timetables, as well as the support of a specialized tutor who can guide participants in their use for the development or implementation of their own applications.
The Transport Hackathon ART 2017 is aimed at individuals or companies interested in developing a digital project - websites and apps - for new services (consumer or business) of mobility and smart transport.
In particular, the hackathon is aimed at startups that have already developed a service but are interested in implementing new features or developing new lines of business; at teams that have an idea at the concept stage and want to realize the first prototype or the first business model; finally, at individuals (students or professionals) who want to provide their skills in software development, design, business development or marketing and who are interested in contributing to the realization of an innovative idea in the field of mobility.
The segments involved in the event are Green mobility, Smart mobility, Electric mobility, Urban mobility, Safety and Security and Smart payment; possible applications may concern: car and bike sharing, taxi and NCC (Noleggio con conducente), apps & technologies for urban mobility, charging stations, electronic ticketing, NFC solutions, on-board telematics and sensors, technologies and apps for road safety, smart cards and integrated payment systems and mobile payment.
The best three projects are guaranteed to participate in Smart Mobility World, the international conference to be held in Turin on 10 and 11 October, with a session pitch in front of investors and business angels to which they can tell their project of innovative startup in the mobility sector.
HERE all the info of the event (rules, program, guests).
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