26 September 2017
A new opportunity for those looking for support for their startup in Trentino.
The fourth edition of Trentino Sviluppo's SEEDMONEY call for proposals is now online. It is dedicated to innovative companies operating in areas that are part of the Province's smart specialization strategy: mechatronics, energy and environment, quality of life and agrifood. The total funds available are 2.9 million euro.
Thedeadline for applicationsis October 31 and the funding is provided, thanks to state, provincial and European Regional Development Fund funds, in two tranches.
The first will involve about thirty beneficiaries for business start-up and product development: 70 thousand euros for each project with a coverage of 100% of expenses.
Projects that access the second phase (start-up by September 2018) will benefit from a further injection of capital for prototype engineering and marketing.
The second round of funding is subject to the entry of a private investor into the project, to which SEEDMONEYwill add capital up to a maximum of €100,000 with 100% coverage.
Since 2009, Trentino Sviluppo's call for proposals has involved over 300 start-ups, of which it has funded a third, allocating 11 million euro: today there are 82 active projects with 335 employees.
Applications can be submitted via the online platform at this address.
Trentino Sviluppo is the agency of the Autonomous Province of Trento dedicated to promoting the sustainable development of the Trentino system. It promotes actions and services aimed at supporting the growth of entrepreneurship and the ability to innovate, supporting cooperation between companies and the development of strategic supply chains and clusters for the area. It promotes the territory as a whole and seeks to enhance all its strengths, from tourism, a sector of primary importance, to innovation promoted by companies and the development of production chains.
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