19 July 2018
Cicalia is the first online supermarket in Italy able to deliver also fresh products without any geographical limit, overcoming the logistic and assortment limits of the other players in the sector. In just a few days it has already collected121 thousand euros of adhesions> discover the campaign and invest
The company's turnover isconstantly growing: in 2017, its first year of activity, it reached490 thousandeuros and in the first 5 months of 2018 it increased by 285% compared to the same period of the previous year.
The company already has11 thousand users and over7 thousand customers located in 20 Italian regions, with an acquisition cost of €19 against an average of €35 in the food and grocery e-commerce sector.
Cicalia offers over10,000 products including fruit, vegetables, meat, dairy products and items for home and personal hygiene, allowing those who have difficulty or who are unable to go to a traditional supermarket to shop conveniently online and receive it at home. The distinctive element of the proposal of Cicalia are thefresh products, available throughout the country without any restriction.
The reference market is that of food and grocery, which in Italy alone is worth162 billion euros and it is expected that e-commerce in this sector will grow by43% in 2018 alone. Cicalia is positioned in this market as theonly online retailer able to deliver any kind of food throughout the country, overcoming the limits of the large-scale retail trade and online food operators.
The company has managed to create a solid and scalable alternative to the traditional supermarket thanks to theimportant partnership with the Gruppo Ortofrutticola, a leading company in the distribution for the GDO with a turnover of120 million euros, which is preparing to enter in the share capital.
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