30 December 2016
Equity crowdfunding is a world that attracts more and more people interested in investing and becoming partners in an innovative startup or SME.
The ecosystem makes it possible to also involve people who want to participate with different amounts, as demonstrated by the offers of Gromia and Parterre, where you can become a partner with investments of up to 250 euros.
Regardless of the investor's profile and his familiarity with financial instruments and the world of innovation, here are 10 reasons why investing through equity crowdfunding is worthwhile.
1) Diversify the portfolio
For investors, rebalancing gains and losses is everything. Investing in startups is a good way to diversify one's portfolio, thanks to the possibility of investing in companies that operate in different sectors and represent growth trends. On Mamacrowd, it is currently possible to invest in Sharing Mobility, Real Estate, Mobile App, Agritech e 3D Printing.
2) Tax reliefs
In Italy those who invest, whether dpersona natural or legal, in startups are entitled to a tax deduction of 30%. Until a few weeks ago it was 19% for individuals and 20% for legal entities, but thanks to the 2017 Budget Law (approved on December 7, 2016) the percentages have risen to 30%.
3) An ROI that is worth double
According to the Kauffman Foundation and Nesta, the average return on investment of a startup investor is 2.5 times the total invested in the four years before the exit and increases in proportion to the number of investments made (on average over 100% after the first six investments).
4) Investing in the real economy
The returns possible by buying the debt of the Italian State are now a memory. For this reason, in order to have results for one's savings it is necessary to invest in the real economy, i.e. in companies that invest, grow and are competitive: in short, in that part of the economy that creates wealth and generates value of which startups are an integral and increasingly important part. Furthermore, according to a study by Shares Post Investment Management, investing 5% of your capital in startups can lead to an annual return of up to 13.61% compared to 9.88% for a traditional "60 bond / 40 equity" portfolio.
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5) Today a startup, tomorrow a tech giant
The term startup carries with it the concept of high potential and successful business. For this reason, part of the interest of investing in startups lies in choosing the companies that present the most promising projects, following their progress and obtaining the recognition and economic return of having sensed the potential of the business ahead of the trends.
6) A new entrepreneurial culture
In a country that is often criticized for its slow bureaucracy and for the difficulty in finding funds to develop the business, helping new entrepreneurs in the initial stages of their activity is not a secondary factor and brings with it support for the economic fabric: those who invest in startups help create new jobs and relaunch the sector.
7) An open window on innovation
Entrepreneurs know that it is essential to be constantly updated on the innovations that permeate the sector in which they operate, and being left behind can be lethal for a company. For this reason, investing in a company that operates in its own market, or in activities that can be synergistic with it in the future, can be a forward-looking move.
8) No intermediation expenses
Turning to an equity crowdfunding platform to invest in one or more startups means investing directly in a company the amount you want without incurring additional expenses when you become a member. In addition, thanks to the revision of the equity crowdfunding regulation issued by Consob, operational since September of this year, you can invest totally online with a simple bank transfer, without having to go to a bank.
9) A regulated and avant-garde market
Italy was the first European country to adopt a regulation in the equity crowdfunding field, promulgated by Consob. Thanks to the supervision of this body, the investor is protected in investment activities and informed of the risks that the financial instrument involves, as well as profiled through the verification of appropriateness.
10) Strengthening of the network
In the same way in which the founder can benefit from your list of contacts, the investor can increase his network towards those economic, political and institutional subjects interested in getting in touch and become themselves promoters of companies with high innovative potential.
Warnings pursuant to art. 19 para. 2
the crowdfunding services provided by Mamacrowd do not fall under the deposit guarantee scheme established in accordance with Directive 2014/49/EU; the securities and instruments eligible for crowdfunding that can be acquired through this crowdfunding platform do not fall under the investor compensation scheme established in accordance with Directive 97/9/EC.
© 2025 Mamacrowd Srl a company of Azimut Group - VAT number IT07464370969 - Via Timavo 34, 20124 MI - SC € 95.417,54 fully paid up - Crowdfunding service provider authorised by resolution No. 22876 of 08/11/2023
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