Mamacrowd S.r.l., through its portal
The Manager directly performs the verification provided for in Article 13, paragraph 5-bis of Regulation 18592/2013, without resorting to authorized intermediaries (i.e. the Banks in charge of managing the investors' transfers), which would otherwise be required to perform the same verification activity for so-called 'supra-threshold' transactions: the Manager verifies online by means of a special questionnaire which is submitted to the investor as part of the procedure for placing orders to join the Offers that theinvestor has the level of experience and knowledge necessary to understand the essential characteristics and risks involved in the investment, on the basis of the information provided pursuant to Article 15, paragraph 2, letter b). Such information shall refer at least
If the manager considers that the instrument is not appropriate for the client, he shall warn the client of this situation, including by means of electronic communication systems.
The assessment of appropriateness of investors' orders related to the subscription of financial instruments on the Mamacrowd portal, which is carried out in the interest of the investor, is one of the mechanisms of protection of the Portal's users provided for by Consob Regulation 18592/2013 (hereinafter, the "Regulation"), and consists in verifying that the Investor has the level of experience and knowledge necessary to understand the risks involved in the financial instrument he intends to purchase.
Through the assessment of appropriateness, the Manager verifies that the investment is in line with the characteristics of knowledge and experience of the investor resulting from the answers provided to theappropriate questionnaire. The information is collected before the investment is made and is valid for 1 year.
The answers provided can be updated at any time directly online in the private area of the Mamacrowd website in the "Personal Profile Management" section. The information provided is an essential element for the correct evaluation of the financial instruments offered on the Portal and of the related risks; therefore, it is in the interest of the Investor to provide complete, timely, truthful and updated information, as well as to promptly inform the Portal of any relevant changes. In particular, the Manager assesses whether the investment of the client of the Portal is appropriate taking into account the answers provided to the questions of the questionnaire and the fact that all transactions that will be concluded on the Portal refer to investments characterized by the highest degree of risk:
If the Manager has the necessary information he can carry out the assessment of appropriateness and warn the investor in case of any inappropriateness. In any case, taking into account the warnings received by the Manager, in case of inappropriateness of the transaction, the Investor may always decide to cancel the transaction or confirm the request for execution, even in case of incomplete information provided. If the Manager does not have the necessary information, he will inform the Investor about the impossibility of carrying out the appropriateness assessment and, therefore, he will ask the Investor for a further confirmation about his will to continue (by completing the order) or to cancel the transaction.
Contacts: email: - tel: +39 0240031306
Warnings pursuant to art. 19 para. 2
the crowdfunding services provided by Mamacrowd do not fall under the deposit guarantee scheme established in accordance with Directive 2014/49/EU; the securities and instruments eligible for crowdfunding that can be acquired through this crowdfunding platform do not fall under the investor compensation scheme established in accordance with Directive 97/9/EC.
© 2025 Mamacrowd Srl a company of Azimut Group - VAT number IT07464370969 - Via Timavo 34, 20124 MI - SC € 95.417,54 fully paid up - Crowdfunding service provider authorised by resolution No. 22876 of 08/11/2023
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